Thursday, September 19, 2019

Australian and other interviews...



Check out the Olto Books Page...

Friday, September 6, 2019

Love Always Hopes: The third of the Silver Springs series is released

Cara O’Brien is a bright, energetic girl who loves the outdoors. Her life has been placed somewhat on hold as she waits in faithful hope for her boyfriend Kaleb Proctor, to return from America.

In the meantime, Cara has to deal with her friend Dylan Perett, who was once her faithful suitor, but has become embittered by constant rejection. Is it too late for Cara to regain Dylan’s friendship and what does he mean to her really? 

Love always Hopes is the third installment in the Silver Springs Christian University Series. Each tale features a different heroine, and can be read as a standalone or serial continuation of the loves and losses of your favourite characters.  The preceding books were Faith and Love and Silver Springtime.

 ISBN: 978-0-6481160-7-3


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Fantastic Collaborative effort from Black Hare Press

 Joe Wocoski posted the following on YouTube to promote our upcoming anthology inspired by social media and current events. The text reads "Discover our science fiction short stories in the Black Hare Press anthology 'Storming Area 51' edited by Dean Kershaw. Not since Ray Bradbury assembled his Martian short stories into the Martian Chronicles has anyone created a series of short stories all linked together in a series like this." 

 (This is not a paid promotion it is a free author-created book trailer)

 (Posted with permission from Jacob)

 (Posted with permission from Jacob)

 (Posted with permission from Dawn) 


Storming Area 51 book trailer by ‎Raven Corinn Carluk‎