Saturday, August 10, 2019

My Books Featured at Christian Book Readers

Faith and Love was my first entry because the title sounded very Christian. The site also features the video I created for the series and asks me questions about my inspiration for the stories.

Keep an eye open for my next entry on the site because it posts the Bible text that was the inspiration for my first Christian university book Silver Springtime. Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven..." and explains the origin of the series.

I am keen to connect with more Christian readers. My horror writing and my Christian writing are very different, but I like to believe I maintain an ethic throughout both aesthetics.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

True story, but worth a laugh!

I usually have a small Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance policy, but recently I tried to add my writing to it.
The insurance company Rep called up and said something like, "What category do you write?"
Me: "Fiction".
Them: "What's that? Try a few other terms."
Me: "Creative".
Them: "Writers just write."
Me: "No, I teach reading & writing. If I was taking out Artists insurance through one of the relevant associations, it would cover running groups & workshops."
Them: "Writers are not artists."
Me: "Of course they are. Look, the nearest thing I can get is through the Media Association - Journalists Insurance."
Them: "No, try another term."
Me: "Editors Insurance."
Them: "$685 / year."
Me: "That is too dear, and I'm already with Vero, for my tutoring for $224!"