I usually have a small Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance policy, but recently I tried to add my writing to it.
The insurance company Rep called up and said something like, "What category do you write?"
Me: "Fiction".
Them: "What's that? Try a few other terms."
Me: "Creative".
Them: "Writers just write."
Me: "No, I teach reading & writing. If I was taking out Artists insurance through one of the relevant associations, it would cover running groups & workshops."
Them: "Writers are not artists."
Me: "Of course they are. Look, the nearest thing I can get is through the Media Association - Journalists Insurance."
Them: "No, try another term."
Me: "Editors Insurance."
Them: "$685 / year."
Them: "$685 / year."
Me: "That is too dear, and I'm already with Vero, for my tutoring for $224!"