Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Mystic Evermore and Autumn Secrets are featured

 Joelbooks is an innovative website by Joel Stafford, who also runs a book club on Facebook. I am proud to have listings for my books on the site. The organisation describes itself as "an international book club" which has been in operation "since 2012". The club itself is a "closed community"of book lovers that "now shares...recommendations to the public", including reading selections and "the best books" in each "genre".

  • "Mystic Evermore"

(Book Synopsis: Mystic Evermore is a mysterious rural town where anything could happen. When the Etheridge family move in, they begin to meet the local residents and discover their secrets. Who or what does Bridget share her very first kiss with? Why does Jaylen Woodgate run away from home at least once a month? Is Javier Tilton a normal young boy who likes dressing like a Goth or something more? These mysteries and many more will be solved.")

  • "Autumn Secrets"

(Book Synopsis: Summer is over and Fall brings secrets to the surface! New vampire in town, Christopher Arano, is trying to find a local girl to date when evil legend Sven Ermore returns to haunt Mystic Evermore. The Lenore family continue to mourn the death of Lena’s parents, and the community experience a truly magical Halloween night.) 



You can also join the discussion being led by Joel Stafford at Reddit:

Mystic Evermore is mentioned at: https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/a2n0s5/what_books_did_you_start_or_finish_reading_this/ebhkzi5/, and Autumn Secrets rtes  mention at:

Friday, November 2, 2018

Fantastic Reads for 11 December 2018

Fantastic Reads  is a newsletter by author Amber Morant. Amber has kindly agreed to feature Mystic Evermore in the 11 December 2018 mailing. You can read Amber's newsletter at the following web address and also browse back issues.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Oztober 2018

Autumn Secrets has also been entered into the Oztober promotion of Australian Fantasy and Science fiction.

Oztober, hosted by Ashley Capes, is a showcase of Australian Science Fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, Horror and Paranormal fiction. I have sent Ashley the details of several of my books. However, I have received feedback that he only accepts one book per author, which seems fair enough. I should have realised this when I saw that he had only one book listed in his 2017 Oztober Showcase for the amazing and prolific Sean Williams!

You can check out Oztober at: http://promo.ashleycapes.com/

The organiser, Ashley Capes is a poet, who has participated in several Australian festivals and won acclaim in some competitions! He has helped edit the occasional periodical, and written several volumes of Science Fiction prose.

You can read more about Ashley Capes at: https://ashleycapes.com/

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Short Story "LEMKIN" achieves web publication

I joined the Australian Speculative Fiction Group on Facebook. This appears to be a group of  authors drawn together by their interests in writing Science Fiction, Fantasy or both.

Horror/Dark Fantasy authors participating in the group include: Alan Baxter, Steve Herczeg, Steve Dillon, Keri Arthur, Shelley Russell Nolan, Pamela Jeffs, Noel Osualdini, and Ryn Lilley. Other members with a Science Fiction focus include: Alanah Andrews, Aiki Flinthart, Rebecca Langham, Jodie Rye, Carleton Chinner, Lachlan Walter, Alethea Kinsela, and Shelley Calopa.  Several writers, including Frank Prem and myself, also write poetry.

S.M. Isaac, Austin Sheenan, and Sue Maynes are among the successful submittors who have been featured on the  aussiespeculativefiction.com website. The competition for "Make it up Mondays" is very intense, and I sometimes wonder what their selection criteria might be, but after four months of participation, my 300 word short story "Lemkin" was chosen to be featured on the website:


The story of my involvement with this group is a bit sad, because I also achieved acceptance into their zodiac themed anthology entitled "Capricorn". However, issues with the editing process and problems with the contract necessitated my story being withdrawn.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Saints and Sinners, PLUS Autumn Secrets: sequels to Mystic Evermore

Hello everyone:

I have prepared a special Halloween treat of three creepy "Nevermore Parables", called Autumn Secrets, in time to go on sale for Halloween 2018. This follows the recent release of book two of the "Nevermore Parables", Saints and Sinners.

Volume 3:

(Book Synopsis: Summer is over and Fall brings secrets to the surface! New vampire in town, Christopher Arano, is trying to find a local girl to date when evil legend Sven Ermore returns to haunt Mystic Evermore. The Lenore family continue to mourn the death of Lena’s parents, and the community experience a truly magical Halloween night.) 

Available on Amazon at:

(Book synopsis: A love triangle comes to a head with unexpected results, and Zarah Strahan is left wondering whether she will ever see her sister again. On top of that, strange creatures are emerging from the sewers and other dark corners. Zarah and her friend Paul Booth think they destroy the source of all evil - but could this be leading towards a series of vampire wars? How would you feel if it happened to you?)

Available at:

Monday, September 3, 2018

Goodreads Listopia features and listings for my books

Silver Springtime has been featured on Goodreads in Listopia lists specifically listing Australian writers. You may find the book listed at: https://www.goodreads.com/list/book/36099244

Faith and Love is also featured in "Listopia" on "Goodreads" - mostly in Christian lists! One or two secular lists I'm not sure about... and it seems that members have a very loose conception of Christian literature in some cases... however, it is good to be noticed! https://www.goodreads.com/list/book/41109544

Please feel free to visit and vote:

Please feel free to visit and vote:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Interviews with Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer

  I used to browse websites, envying the interviewed authors and imagining how famous they must be to have been invited to do an interview! I am trying to promote my works, but I am not incredibly famous yet. However, I do honestly believe my work is newsworthy.

One day I made a wonderful discovery. I found that I could pay to be featured on a site called "Author Shout". This meant that for a fee - I could join the ranks of the featured authors on their site. The fee was reasonable, so I submitted a profile and waited excitedly to be able to read all about myself!

A few days later, I made an even better discovery. A number of websites accepted author interviews for free - and book listings for a low fee. The author interviews had to be written by the author in response to some set questions, and helped these sites build up their pages. However, it was great to find I could express my thoughts in different places.

The different questions the sites ask helped me describe my writing process and upcoming projects in different ways. Perhaps one day, someone will call me up and invite me to do a proper media or television interview!

Latest interview on BOOK READER MAGAZINE:


An interview was published on Book Goodies:

In the interview I talk about the sources of my "inspiration" in the deepest emotion and the sense that writing comes from the subconscious. I also share my thoughts about the future of publishing.

Clicking the widget will take you to the Book Goodies site, where you can read the latest author profiles and interviews. If you want to go straight to my interview click the following link.


Also look for book listing and Author interview on Awesome Gang:

In this interview I talk about writing MYSTIC EVERMORE and several planned sequels. I also discuss the difficulties facing non United States authors attempting to promote books on the internet.

Click here for author interview 

Interviews with Writers: 

Interviews with writers link

This interview took a long time to come out, and I cringe as I notice a couple of typing errors - especially as I say I am fussy in the actual interview! I will mail them and see whether correction is possible.