Sunday, July 2, 2017

First Kindle Scout Campaign:

I decided to do a Kindle scout campaign to find out how it works and get my name out there as a hopeful author. My novel Silver Spring-Time is described as:

 "A novel of coming of age in the 1980s.

The agony of unrequited love, dates, dresses and exams all make life confusing during the teen years... This story belongs to the genre known as "Bildungsroman" or novel of development. It covers one very significant year in the life of a young female by the name of Stephanie Lowood, and is presented a diary, which was discovered in a chest by the heroine's daughter and young grandchildren. The grandchildren are curious to hear how Grandma met Grandpa and what life was like in the 1980s!"
For a limited time, the first chapter is open to view at:

Some interview questions from my campaign:

Q. Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
A. I would have liked to have had more confidence when I was a young woman and if sharing my insights (in fictional form) helps empower any modern youth, I will be thrilled. It is all about becoming yourself - and being independent of others’ opinion.

Q. What draws you to this genre?
A.Self actualisation, growth and development are a major theme, so I guess I had to write something in this genre.

Q. This book is part of a series, tell us about your series.
A. I have thought about taking one of the other characters and making her the heroine of the next story. It seems to help finalise the current story to perceive a future for the characters. Perhaps if people enjoy this story, I will write the companion story.