Wednesday, August 12, 2020

100 Word Horrors (Edited by Kevin Kennedy)

(Gif created by Ross Baxter, author of  one of the short stories in the anthology.)

Late in 2019, with the paperback coming out in early 2020, I was privileged to have a short story included in 100 WORD HORRORS VOLUME 4 edited by Kevin J. Kennedy. This was actually an achievement, because Kennedy is extremely selective and I had to submit a selection of tales, from which he only picked one! 

Links to reviews:

For the first time ever (except when I won an ward) I got a special mention! 

"Haunted House by Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer- 5/5
So spooky!! I felt bad for the poor wheezing asthmatic girl."

(Gifs created by Ross Baxter, author of  one of the short stories in the anthology.)