I used to browse websites, envying the interviewed authors and imagining how famous they must be to have been invited to do an interview! I am trying to promote my works, but I am not incredibly famous yet. However, I do honestly believe my work is newsworthy.
One day I made a wonderful discovery. I found that I could pay to be featured on a site called "Author Shout". This meant that for a fee - I could join the ranks of the featured authors on their site. The fee was reasonable, so I submitted a profile and waited excitedly to be able to read all about myself!
A few days later, I made an even better discovery. A number of websites accepted author interviews for free - and book listings for a low fee. The author interviews had to be written by the author in response to some set questions, and helped these sites build up their pages. However, it was great to find I could express my thoughts in different places.
The different questions the sites ask helped me describe my writing process and upcoming projects in different ways. Perhaps one day, someone will call me up and invite me to do a proper media or television interview!
Latest interview on BOOK READER MAGAZINE:
An interview was published on Book Goodies:
In the interview I talk about the sources of my "inspiration" in the deepest emotion and the sense that writing comes from the subconscious. I also share my thoughts about the future of publishing.

Clicking the widget will take you to the Book Goodies site, where you can read the latest author profiles and interviews. If you want to go straight to my interview click the following link.
Also look for book listing and Author interview on Awesome Gang:

In this interview I talk about writing MYSTIC EVERMORE and several planned sequels. I also discuss the difficulties facing non United States authors attempting to promote books on the internet.
Click here for author interview
Interviews with Writers:
Interviews with writers linkThis interview took a long time to come out, and I cringe as I notice a couple of typing errors - especially as I say I am fussy in the actual interview! I will mail them and see whether correction is possible.