Horror/Dark Fantasy authors participating in the group include: Alan Baxter, Steve Herczeg, Steve Dillon, Keri Arthur, Shelley Russell Nolan, Pamela Jeffs, Noel Osualdini, and Ryn Lilley. Other members with a Science Fiction focus include: Alanah Andrews, Aiki Flinthart, Rebecca Langham, Jodie Rye, Carleton Chinner, Lachlan Walter, Alethea Kinsela, and Shelley Calopa. Several writers, including Frank Prem and myself, also write poetry.
S.M. Isaac, Austin Sheenan, and Sue Maynes are among the successful submittors who have been featured on the aussiespeculativefiction.com website. The competition for "Make it up Mondays" is very intense, and I sometimes wonder what their selection criteria might be, but after four months of participation, my 300 word short story "Lemkin" was chosen to be featured on the website:
The story of my involvement with this group is a bit sad, because I also achieved acceptance into their zodiac themed anthology entitled "Capricorn". However, issues with the editing process and problems with the contract necessitated my story being withdrawn.